Geo Strategies carries out projects – in Romania and CEE – for site evaluation, market penetration modelling and similar data-driven analysis.
Identify and quantify local potential for smarter planning
Successful modern marketing demands a rich understanding of customers — and understanding customers is as much about location as it is about people.
By analysing and modelling geographic data, we can open up a wealth of location insight leading to cross-channel marketing opportunities. This allows you to understand target locations, improve network planning and focus investment on those places that deliver maximum ROI. As well as zeroing in on local opportunities, Geo Strategies’ insight into numerous locations throughout Romania means that we can assist you –
- Design or upgrade your retail network
- Identify optimum locations for your new shopping mall or retail store
- Predict footfall even before a new development is approved
- Understand why certain locations may not be performing adequately
But area analysis can also provide significant insight for the public sector. It helps understand why certain areas –
- Suffer from a high mortality rate
- Tend to suffer from higher-than-average levels of crime
- Are in significant need of improvements to their infrastructure
The important factor throughout such studies is that the results are based on fact – they are entirely data-driven. This avoids qualitative and emotional decisions that are sometimes at variance with reality.
Even more importantly, data-driven insights provide a sound basis for predictive modelling – you can often forecast future trends with confidence.
See also the following case studies;