Papers from Geo Strategies which can be downloaded for reference purposes.
Consumer & spatial analytics, GIS, maps and databases
- Better Customer Experience
- The art of Customer Profiling
- Catchment Report
- Catchment Report-M
- Mosaic – How will you use it
- Understanding Mosaic and Micromarketer
- Marketing Success in a Slowdown
- Fix Customer Retention Issues (Leaky Bucket)
- Consumer Insight
- Effective Segmentation
- Retail Retention
- How Demographic Classifications are Built
- Emerging Consumer Values
- Mosaic – cum o sa-l folositi [RO]
- Analiza consumatorului si a spatiului [RO]
- Ce reprezinta Mosaic si Micromarketer [RO]
- Marketing cu succes Țn timpuri mai dificile [RO]
- Galeata cu gauri (Leaky Bucket) [RO]
- Mosaic si banul public [RO]
Data Quality
- Big Data for Dummies
- Contact Data Quality
- Industrial-strength Geocoding
- Calitatea datelor de contact [RO]
Cross-channel Marketing & Marketing Services
- Cross-Channel Imperative
- One Client One Image One Vision
- Social Data
- Cross-Channel-Marketing
- Marketing Assessment Guide
- Big Data
- Ghid Evaluare SMART Marketing [RO]
- Date din Social Media [RO]
- Cross-Channel-Marketing [RO]
- Big Data [RO]
Case Studies